It’s easy to join
We are always open to new members, especially if you’ve just moved to Brussels! If you want to be a part of Pack 457, simply follow the link below to begin the application process.
If you have any questions, please contact our Pack Co-Ordinator, Kelly Hogan.
Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. Getting everyone involved makes the experience more meaningful for your Cub Scout. There is a place for every parent, legal guardian, or other caring adults who want to help.
Cub Packs are only possible because of the dedicated parents and volunteers who make them work. All leaders are police checked and trained, making sure our Cubs play and learn in the safest environment possible.
If you would like to help lead the Pack or Den that your son or daughter is involved in, please send an email to our Pack Co-Ordinator using the link below.
When compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, there is no doubt that Scouting delivers great value to its members! Costs include BSA membership fees, uniform costs, and nominal activity fees that may be charged locally.